Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Poison Gas in War is an Argument Paper For Use of Gas

Poison Gas in War is an Argument Paper For Use of GasThe first argument paper topics for use of poison gas in war. These are provided by most wankees (see my page on wankees for details) for their students to use in discussion with their students. Students should read and work on these topic papers when they are given the task of writing an argumentative paper on a specific issue. We shall first discuss the argument paper topics for use of poison gas in war, then we shall discuss the nature of that particular paper.Argument Paper Topics for the Use of Poison Gas in Wwi There are many examples of argument papers which have dealt with issues like the use of poison gas in war. This is perhaps one of the worst examples.I cite this example simply because I think it will help the reader better understand the arguments for the use of poison gas in war. The readers of this article will be able to see the link between your position as an advocate of a particular side in the debate and your ar gument on the use of poison gas. It may not be easy to write an argument based on the use of gas or just because you were informed of its use in war.The debate that was going on between me and a friend of mine was regarding whether or not to use poison gas in World War II in the United States. The use of poison gas is a grave crime against humanity. It was used ruthlessly in WWII and against its prisoners of war in Cambodia. After the war was over, the allied forces never put much effort into trying to find out why these soldiers had used the gas against the prisoners of war.The camps were abandoned, and those who survived the atrocities suffered terrible illnesses. Even with the knowledge of the existence of such gas, the military never took steps to find out what exactly thegas was or how they used it. The U.S. never used any of the gas against its own soldiers and was never in a position to use it against those who would have been considered its enemies.What it did do, however, w as leading to the destruction of thousands of lives and seriously damage many of its biggest military opponents in the Pacific. Thousands of scientists were driven to suicide because of the fear of their own country's use of poison gas against them. The Chinese government even used chlorine gas against the communists in the Chinese civil war, though it did not kill anyone but instead caused the death of crops, even with the knowledge of its use.As soon as the US learned of the gas' existence and use, it went to war to prevent it from being used again. It was not until 1992, that the Hague Conventions was passed, so that the use of any such chemical weapons would be absolutely illegal.Use of Poison Gas in War is an argument paper, which is designed to attract attention to an argument. It could have been used with a national government or its own military to commit war crimes by using this gas. Please consider all this.

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