Tuesday, May 5, 2020

AP World DBQ free essay sample

The game of cricket between 1880-2005 played a very important political role in South Asia. Cricket both strengthened the relationship between Britain and India, and created good social changes. Although, the game weakened the religious and political rivalry according to the different perspectives of ten different sources. Cricket helped unify and strengthen the relationship between Britain and India. As shown in document 3, Cecil Headlam, an English cricketer and historian, says that â€Å"Cricket unites the rulers and the ruled. It also provides a moral training, an education in pluck, and nerve, and self restraint. † It also allowed India to compete with the english on even terms, according to Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay in document 6. In document 6 it showed Kumars opinion on the Indians victory over the English, in what was made the only thing they could compete in. This brought turned cricket into a political battlefield. Each religion could battle it out with a game of cricket and whoever won, would have pride. We will write a custom essay sample on AP World DBQ or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In document 10, the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board tells an interviewer in an interview that cricket brings people together mentioning that there are 20,000 Indian cricket fans. In a way she is right, the game does bring people from all over the world together; for example the prince of india mentioned in document 2. Although, since it came from a cricket historians point of view, it gave more of a biased example. Any cricket historian could brag about how great the sport is, its obvious, but a historian on another sport would have been more of a reliable example. Cricket brought people from all over the world to watch a game of cricket. As shown in document 2, the prince all the way from India came to England to join the Sussex team. In the London newspaper report, it says â€Å" in 1900 he will come back to England as captain of a team and representative of Indian cricket. † Since it was in the newspaper, it advertised how popular cricket was by recognizing that the prince of India would travel all the way to England just to play. Readers would see how much the prince loved the sport, and it would give them all the more reason to play the game. Cricket also playing a helping role in breaking up caste barriers. In document 4, a

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