Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Am First Time Parents Essay - 1521 Words

14th February 1993 was a black day; not for it stayed dark, overcast and rainy all day – typical London weather, rather owing to the fact that doom descended on the lives of two couples: Kaashi - Kamal on the one hand, and Saira - Jai on the other. They were two young married pairs of Indian origin – in their early thirties, neighbours – living in London Middlesex, and coincidentally. Besides, both couples were about to become first-time parents – in the next few hours. Quite a few similarities? Well, another and the most unfortunate one was – both pairs had a hothead each: Kaashi the angry young woman in the first one, whilst Jai the angry young man in the second. Fortunately, both madcaps were blessed with a cool-as-cucumber better half; Kamal: Kaashi’s hubby and Saira: Jai’s wifey. On that Valentine’s evening, when the foursome started off for the Portland Hospital to admit Kaashi for her delivery, Saira’s pre-labour cramps triggered – indicating her delivery was also imminent. Although the journey was preceded by acrimony between the quarrelsome duo Jai and Kaashi – kinda spoiler; all of them were looking forward to the romantic day turning into the biggest day of their lives. However, soon that festive Sunday evening turned into an ill-fated one, as Kaashi and Jai had to be rushed to the accident department of London’s Chelsea and Westminster hospital. Oh yes, along with Saira! So – in fact, three people were admitted in an emergency, by the anguished fellow Kamal. OfShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sibling Order Stereotypes1434 Words   |  6 PagesGrowing up in my family I was the first born of two children. For me this meant that I was the ultimate guinea pig for my parents, and therefore how I was raised was much differ ent from how my younger brother was raised. I notice, now that I am older, there were many differences on the parenting techniques that were used to raise us both as individuals. Ultimately this caused my brother and I to be totally opposites. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Persuasive Essay About Overpopulation - 968 Words

Overpopulation is not a great thing. It is when there are more people than there are resources. It can be caused by an increase in the fertility rate, a decrease in mortality rate, more immigrants, or a depletion or limited amount of resources. In essence it means that if the amount of people is more than the amount of resources in the world then we will eventually stabilize because there will be more deaths. If there are too many people in the same habitat then the amount of resources and availability of things will decrease. You should be aware of this because if we reach our carrying capacity then that would be bad for all of us. A lot more people will die. The carrying capacity is the maximum amount of a species that an area can†¦show more content†¦As the population increases so does the demand of food. The increase in population is caused by a few things. One of them is that the world’s level of fertility has risen and more people and teens are having kids. Although some countries are growing slower or even decreasing, there are places like Africa that is increasing at an alarming rate. They have more and more kids each year. Another cause of world population growth is that we have had advances in science and medical technology which is good but it also means that there are more successful births. The medical technology that is coming out is very innovative. The new vaccines and antibiotics are life savers which helps with increasing our world population. That isn’t a bad thing but if more people are having babies when they’re younger or if they are having a lot of babies then there will be an increase in the growth rate. There are even more reasons for the alarming increase in our population growth. Because of the higher demand of food, the food and produce production has increased quite a bit which has caused more people to have food and less people dying of starvation which is good but again, there are too many people on this planet. The increase in food production has been caused by things like new types of seed, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and machines that work better than previous models.Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay About Overpopulation1455 Words   |  6 PagesOverpopulation issue and ways to help solve it The big question is whether humanity is getting too big and, in the process, endangering the wellbeing of people, and our planet. Overpopulation is a real thing it’s happening right now in some parts of the world. Delay marriage, ending child marriages, and women empowerment might not seem like a lot, but it actually is. All these things can help the overpopulation problem we are facing today in certain parts of the world and in the future. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Healthy Aging The Straight Story

Question: Discuss about the case study Healthy Aging for the Straight Story. Answer: Introduction: Alvin Straight is a 73-year-old stubborn man who lives on his social security and follows simple living. He has a failing health and does his things on his own terms. He comes to learn that his brother named Lyne Straight has suffered a heart attack. Alvin has been estranged for last ten years from his brother and the news of his failing health brings on the desire in him to make peace with his brother. Therefore, he decides to go and meet his brother but faces problem with his eye sight, drivers license and his ill health with diabetes. During his trip, he gets affected by those whom he meets on the trip and wishes to finish the trip on his own for the good. Figure 1: Alvin Straight The Straight Story (1999) Developmental Stage Alvin Straight is a 73-year-old man who is living his older age which is termed as the wisdom stage for the lifespan developmental stage. During this stage, the aged individual looks back to his life and reviews his accomplishments. This stage is characterized by integrity and despair where the aged individual looks back at all the productivity of his life (Loeffler, Raab Caal-Bruland, 2016). Physical signs of normal aging have been portrayed by Alvin where he has a failing health due to diabetes, he has poor eyesight and he is suffering from emphysema due to prolonged smoking and needs canes to walk. All these features are the signs of normal aging and his developmental stage is reflected from his feelings of relationship towards his ailing brother who have estranged since long. Representation of Aging Alvin Straight represents a positive representation of aging where despite his lost relationship with his brother, he takes up every pain to meet his dying brother one last time. Although Alvin is not a sophisticated man, yet his words are strong enough to leave permanent impression. These are the manifestations of aging where maturity is developed in thoughts and a person becomes more selective of his words (Torres et al., 2015). Relationships matter the most with aging and as life comes to an end, people tend to value their ignored relationships as well. Alvin resides with his retarded daughter and takes care of her and during his road trip, he recollects his passed days of marriage and courtship with strangers. All these factors collectively point towards positive aging where his behavior and personality reflects his aging with grace and love for his family. Acceptance of Aging The goal of acceptance of aging in the society should include changing the relationship of the aged individual with the negative effects by engaging them with the emotional experiences in a way that is non-judgmental (Gual, 2015). The Straight Story is an odyssey of the journey of Alvin Straight, the protagonist, to his past to meet his dying brother where his love and responsibility towards his brother has been beautifully depicted. Although the society accepts the aged population as a separated group from the younger ones and portraying of this character in the movie will have a profound effect on the older adult population as a more caring and responsible group (Von Wyl Beck, 2014). This movie has laid down the fact that older population is no less in terms of family bondage and should be accepted openly in the society to promote healthy aging. References Gual, N. C. (2015). Ambivalent pathways of progress and decline: The representation of aging and old age in joanna McClelland glass's drama.Theatre Research in Canada = Recherches Thtrales Au Canada,36(1), 106. Loeffler, J., Raab, M., Caal-Bruland, R. (2016). A lifespan perspective on embodied cognition.Frontiers in Psychology,7, 845. Torres, T. d. L., Camargo, B. V., Boulsfield, A. B., Silva, A. O. (2015). Social representations and normative beliefs of aging.CieÃÅ'‚ncia sauÃÅ' de Coletiva,20(12), 3621. Von Wyl, V., Beck, K. (2014). Risk adjustment in aging societies.Health Economics Review,4(1), 1-14.